Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nature Walk Sightings 9/10/11

Beautiful sunny morning in Library Springs.  Many prairie plants over our heads including milkweed and Indian grass.  Fields full of goldenrod.  There were stands of bottle brush plant, and a few patches of poison ivy to teach the old adage, "leaves of three, let them be."  Black walnuts on many of the trees that have not fallen to the ground yet.  Thanks to the Stillman Nature Center newsletter, I know that black walnut trees attract luna moths, those large, eerie, light green moths.  Now we need to do a dusk nature hike...

Milkweed pods on 6 foot milkweed plants

Sumac leaves are just starting to turn red

 Barb Wilson, a botanist, taught us about wing flowers.  
There is an extra ridge of plant on the stems of wing flowers, like a wing on an bird.

Black Walnut tree with walnuts

Wing Flowers

 Thanks to all the rain we had this summer, everything is healthy, producing flowers, seed pods, nuts, etc. so it should be a good winter for wildlife.  The next Library Springs Nature Hike will be Sat. Oct. 29 at 9:00am.  See you then!